March 11, 2011

It's Friday, I'm in love...


Hello, Friday!  I couldn't be happier to see you. While I had hoped to have a happy weekend vintage shopping and St. Patty's Day parading, it seems we will spend this weekend quarantined indoors as the Bitty has quite a cold.  This is probably all for the best, as the past two weeks have been exhausting and only a taste of what's to come next week.  So in between runny noses and dirty diapers, I'll be catching up on my favorite blogs, clearing the DVR, cooking, and reading the Hubby's new subscription to Architectural Digest.  I'm pretty excited about this, now that I think about it.

What are your plans for the weekend?

1 comment:

Karrisa_T said...

That dress you posted is sooo pretty.I'd totally wear it--except I'd wear something underneath the skirt haha! (That's a bit too sheer for me.) Maybe I should scout for St. Paddy's Day parades around my area... Have a good weekend anyhow!


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